The Danish association is the third online gambling association to endorse EGBA’s new code of conduct for responsible advertising.
The Danish Online Gambling Association (DOGA) has officially endorsed EGBA’s new European code of conduct on responsible advertising for online gambling.
DOGA is the third national gambling association (along with the association’s in Belgium and the Netherlands) to publicly endorse EGBA’s advertising code and it will now promote the code to its members and encourage other gambling companies in Denmark to sign up to it.
“We’re very pleased with the support of DOGA and its commitment to promote responsible advertising in Denmark. Through its measures, this code will contribute to strengthening consumer protection across European countries. As part of our commitment to responsible advertising in Europe, we aim for the code to be widely adopted and urge other online gambling associations and companies to join forces with us to make advertising safer.” – Maarten Haijer, Secretary General, EGBA.
“The gambling industry is changing rapidly, and both the demands of the industry on the industry and the industry’s demand on itself are increasing. DOGA is created to promote a well-regulated Danish environment for responsible licensed operators. In this regard, it is important that we act credibly, and our members advertise responsibly. That is why we fully support EGBA’s pan-European initiative to raise the standards for gambling advertising.” – Morten Ronde, Secretary General, DOGA.
EGBA’s code is the first pan-European initiative for gambling advertising and leads the way in responsible standards for advertising, introducing essential consumer protection measures related to responsible advertising content and dedicated measures for social media. The code applies to EGBA members and other online gambling companies who sign up to it, and its application will be monitored by an independent third party. A recent analysis found the code to complement and reinforce the existing regulation of gambling advertising in European countries and, in several countries, the code’s measures are stricter than the existing national rules.