Kindred has submitted its opinion on the memorandum on enhanced player protections as a result of Covid-19.
On 23 April, the Swedish government presented a draft regulation for how to strengthen player protections as a result of Covid-19. In its opinion, Kindred highlights its concerns over a sharply reduced gambling market and weaker consumer protections as a result of the government’s proposal.
“We are extremely concerned that the Swedish gambling market continues to shrink, a trend confirmed by both the Swedish Agency for Public Management (Statskontoret) and research firm Copenhagen Economics. What the government is now proposing will result in a continued decline in the gambling market and an erosion of consumer protections,” Henrik Tjärnström, CEO Kindred Group, said.
“We need to be careful about introducing regulations that move customers away from regulated gambling companies towards unlicensed sites where Swedish authorities have no ability whatsoever of ensuring a high consumer protection. This is a negative development for customers, for the licensed gambling companies, and for society as a whole,” Henrik Tjärnström added.