Norsk Tipping has reduced the maximum monthly loss limit on its high-risk online games to NOK 5000.
The loss limit on high-risk games, which include KongKasino, eFlax, Bingoria and Yezz, was lowered from NOK 10,000 to NOK 7500 from 1 December 2020, as an immediate measure after a period of increase in income from high-risk players. Now it is lowered by another 2500 kroner. The new loss limit of 5000 kroner for the online games will apply until further notice.
“We have seen a clear effect after we adjusted the limit in December, in that the proportion of high-risk players has fallen over a longer period of time. Nevertheless, we see that there is still a group of core players who lose a lot. Therefore, we want to see if a lower limit can affect these in a positive direction,” Bjørn Helge Hoffmann, Head of responsible gaming at Norsk Tipping, said.
Norsk Tipping estimates that the new maximum limit will reduce customers’ losses by between NOK 150 and 175 million on an annual basis. If you look at the total reduction from December 2020, from 10,000 to 5000 kroner, the estimate is between 250 and 300 million kroner.