Norsk Bransjeforening for Onlinespill (NBO), the Norwegian association for online gambling, has officially endorsed the European Gaming and Betting Association’s (EGBA) new European code of conduct on responsible advertising for online gambling.
NBO is the fourth national gambling association to endorse the code. NBO will now promote the code to its members and encourage them to sign up to it.
“Norway is one of the few remaining European countries which maintain an exclusive state-owned gambling monopoly and its approach to regulating gambling needs a fundamental rethink. When this happens, companies should be ready to enter the market in a responsible and sustainable way, and NBO’s commitment to responsible advertising is an important step to ensuring this. The responsible advertising code is part of EGBA’s commitment to raise standards and make gambling even safer and we urge other online gambling associations and companies to join us to make this a reality,” Maarten Haijer, Secretary-General of EGBA, said.
“In the online world, customers do not follow borders and neither do products. That’s why we need to move away from the monopoly in Norway, re-regulate the market to provide more consumer choice and make the country’s gambling regulation fit for the digital realities of the 21st century. When NBO was founded a year and a half ago, the founding members established an advertising code of conduct that all members need to follow. We are proud to reinforce this commitment with our endorsement of EGBA’s pan-European efforts to raise the standards for gambling advertising,” Carl Fredrik Stenstrøm, Secretary-General of NBO, said.