The Swedish Gambling Authority (SGA) has presented proposals for updates to its technical regulations.
The SGA decided to submit its new proposals to Sweden’s Chamber of Commerce who will then notify the EU. These new proposals will replace its old rules from 2018 and are expected to come into force on 1 January 2023, but certain licensees will remain exempt until 1 July.
In a 20-page document, the regulator outlines its updated rules and general advice regarding the technical requirements and accreditation of bodies for anyone who is to check, test and certify gaming activities.
These rules do not apply to land-based casinos, slot machine games and, formerly, lotteries and bingos with a gross annual turnover less than SEK 10m ($1.1m). But while much remains unchanged, lotteries and bingo operations have seen their cap rise to SEK 30m.
And any party which has a licence to provide games before January 2023 and does not provide online games will not see the new rules apply to them until July.
Going forward, the SGA stated its intention to issue guidance on the amended regulations that will include information on which parties are exempt from its technical requirements.
It said: “In the future, the Swedish Gaming Authority will issue guidance on the updated regulations. There we will, among other things, provide information on who is exempt from the technical requirements and what the person covered by the requirements needs to do.”